ecember 4, 2017 the specialists of the SPINE AND JOINTS CENTER MUNICH performed a unique surgery. The particularity of this surgical intervention is the fact that several joints and spine levels – epiduroscopy of cervical spinal С3/С4 (diagnosis: cervical herniated disc); regenerative reconstruction of spine levels L3/L4; L4L5; L5/S1 (diagnosis: intervertebral disk degeneration and destabilization); regenerative reconstruction of knee joint (diagnosis: grade IV gonarthrosis); regenerative reconstruction of shoulder joint (diagnosis: omarthrosis and rotator cuff rupture) – were simultaneously treated. The surgical procedure was conducted without general anaesthesia, but with a local anaesthetic on some surgical surfaces.
Over several years the patient suffered frompains in cervical spine that radiated into the left upper arm up down to the elbow. Considerable mobility limitations of cervical spine up to shoulder girdle were accompanied by severe pains. The patient had also complaints in the lumbar spine and in the left knee joint both when moving or resting. Lack of power in the lower extremities prevented the patient from walking long distances. He could move continuously no longer than 3 to 5 minutes.
The patient left the clinic on the same day after successful surgery. The clinical examination on the next day showed no postoperative pains. The radiating pains from cervical area into the left arm stopped. The muscle strength of the lower limbs has recovered within one week after surgical intervention. Until the present time the patient has no restrictions of motion function